
[:zh]謝偉銓 1976年畢業於香港理工學院(今香港理工大學),畢業後加入香港政府工務局任職見習產業測量師,工作近12年,離職時為高級產業測量師。其後先後於香港置地物業有限公司、卓德測計師有限公司、英皇集團、市區重建局、恒基兆業地產、恒基陽光資產管理有限公司、爪哇集團等企業任職近年創立物業發展顧問公司,為誌星有限公司創辦人及董事。謝先生於2012年至2016年當選立法會建築、測量及都市規劃界功能組別議員。[:en]After graduation from the Hong Kong Polytechnic (now Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Mr. Tse joined the Hong Kong Civil Services and worked in different offices of Crown Lands & Survey Office (now is Lands Department) for 12 years. He was Senior Estate Surveyor when leaving the public sector. Thereafter, Sr Tse had been working in the private sector and holding senior position in various companies and organizations including Hongkong Land Property Company Limited, Chesterton Petty Ltd., Emperor International Holdings Limited, Urban Renewal Authority, Henderson Land Development Company Limited and Henderson Sunlight Asset Management Limited. Sr Tse is now a director of Brand Star Limited, a property development and asset management consultancy firm.[:]