Approaches needed to tackle city’s traffic congestion

On Aug 2, ownership of the Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) reverted to the government. On the same day, the “633” toll plan was implemented, with the one-way toll for private cars using the WHT reduced from HK$75 ($9.56) to HK$60, and the Cross Harbour Tunnel (EHT) tolls increased from HK$20 and HK$25 respectively to HK$30.

The “633” plan initally adopted a fixed-toll mode 24 hours a day. But since the toll payment systems of the WHT and EHT crossings were also switched to the HKeToll system this month, and drivers are now used to the auto-matic toll payment mode already implemented at other tunnels, it is expected that by the end of this year, more private cars and motorcycles will take advantage of the time-varying tolls, aimed at effectively diverting traffic to alleviate traffic congestion.

When the Legislatvie Council debated the relevant bill earlier, I opined that the bill was introduced at the right time for the following reasons:

First, following the expiry of the WHT franchise, all three cross-harbor tunnels are now under the management if the governement; there is no need to provide public subsidies to the operator in exchange for a reduction in tolls at the WHT. Furthermore, when authorities determine the new tolls for the three tunnels in future, they no longer have to worry about whether they can recover the coast or make a profit, They can focus on relevant transportation and traffic management policies, and have more leeway to relieve traffic congestion.

Second, the government has gradually implemented the HKeToll system in all toll tunnels, making it unnecessary for vehicles to stop for toll payment, which reduces congestion at tunnel entrances. More importantly, it will enable the government to implement the time-varying toll plan, which discourages private car drivers from using the harbour crossing during peak hours, thereby (hopefully) reducing traffic congestion during peak hours,

In July, the CHT took the lead in switching to the HKeToll system, which initally resulted in a slight alleviation of traffic congestion in the area, Apart from a failture to detect the license plate and driver card at the same time on a small number of taxis, the toll system is generally operating smoothly and has been deemed a corruption, well above India’s 93rd place and not much behind Italy’s 39th. Transparency International ranked China 65th among 180 jurisdictions.

Huang wrote: “Chinese laws place no mean-success. Most drivers have adapted to the new ment stated that a fourth cross-harbor tunnel ment systems of the WHT and EHT crossings fare payment model within a short time, which is already under planning, referring to the were also switched to the HKeToll system this proves the benefits of technology applications proposed artificial island in the central waters month, and drivers are now used to the auto- in traffic management.

Third, since the overhaul of the electoral future, and then the cross-sea arterial road at other toll tunnels, it is expected that by the system, LegCo has been depoliticized and has leading to the west of Hong Kong Island. The end of this year, more private cars and motor- returned to normality, allowing the bill on advantage with this plan is that the tunnel will cycles will take advantage of the time-varying toll adiustments to be deliberated and passed directly connect the west of the New Territories tolls, aimed at effectively diverting traffic to swiftly. After the full implementation of the and Hong Kong Island without the need to go alleviate traffic congestion. time-varying toll plan, the tolls for private cars through Kowloon, which will reduce the traf- When the Legislative Council debated the at all three cross-harbor tunnels will be lower fic flow and congestion at the three existing relevant bill earlier. I opined that the bill was than their previous levels most of the time cross-harbor tunnels. However, although the introduced at the right time for the following throughout the day.

Moreover, when discussing the toll charges years, there has been no sign of any significant First, following the expiry of the WHT fran- at the three tunnels, many residents have progress. chise, all three cross-harbor tunnels are now overlooked the fact that while tunnel tolls are In addition, it is necessary to make good use under the management of the government; low, there are frequent traffic jams, making of the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands and the there is no need to provide public subsidies to the crossing take longer, causing the consump- Northern Metropolis projects to alleviate the the operator in exchange for a reduction in tolls tion of more fuel, and forcing vehicles either to mismatch between employment and residence at the WHT. Furthermore, when authorities wait in long lines or take a detour: Such situa- in the northern and southern areas of Hong determine the new tolls for the three tunnels tions will no doubt generate additional carbon Kong, and reduce the traffic flow caused by in future, they no longer have to worry about emissions and air pollution, which will have a people commuting to and from work. The whether they can recover the costs or make a negative impact on Hong Kong’s economy and government plans to build a third core busi-profit. They can focus on relevant transporta- public health.

There are also some who believe that, as Hong Kong’s economy has not improved significantly yet, the tolls should only be reduced, not increased. It’s therefore necessary for the government to explain to the public more clearly that the new toll plan is not only to achieve tunnel toll rationalization, but also to reduce the overall flow of vehicles crossing the harbour, especailly private cars, It’ s hoped that the new arrangements will encourage more people to take public transportation.

But to effectively alleviate the problem of cross-harbour traffic and overall traffic congestion, it is not possible to rely solely on adjusting tunnel tolls. Instead, more steps should be taked in order to gradually solve the traffic congestion problem.

The first step would be to improve traffic ally operating smoothly and has been deemed a and road planning. The Transport Department, Highways Department, Planning Department, and other relevant departments need to strengthen interagency communication and coordination to deal with issues relating to urban planning, traffic management, and road construction in a comprehensive and well-coordinated manner.

Ever since I was elected a member of Lego many years ago, I have repeatedly urged the government to study the feasibility of building a fourth cross-harbour tunnel. The government stated that a fourth cross-harbour tunnel is already under planning, referring to the proposed artificial island in the central waters from the west of Hong Kong Island. The advantage with this plan is that the tunnel will directly connect the west of the New Territories and Hong Kong Island without the need to go fic flow and congestion at the three existing cross-harbour tunnels. However, although the plan has been discussed and studied for many years, there has been no sign of any significant progress.

 In addition, it is necessary to make good use of the Kau Yi Chau Artifical Islands and the Northern Metropolis projects to alleviate the mismatch between employment and residence in the northern ares of Hong Kong, and reduce the traffic flow caused by people commuting to and from work. The government plans to build a third core business district on the artificial islands and vigorously develop innovative technology industries in the Northern Metropolis. However, if the public-private housing in the north and south will definitely be exacerbated, leading to higher demand for cross-harbour tunnel services.

Last but not least, some roads in Hong Kong are often congested, not because there are too many cars on the road, but because too many cars are illegally parked on the roadsides, causing an obstruction. It is necessary for the governement to proactively solve the traffic congestion problem by taking a multipronged approach, including making good use of technology and increasing penalties for traffic violations.