





  1. 促請政府制定整體的《園境條例》,包含在發展中對園境的要求,規定對景觀的保護及保育,保養及管理園境的程序及標準,包括聘用合資格園境師的要求。
  2. 繼續爭取我數年前已提出要成立的園境署,就園境項目提供一站式的可行性、規劃、設計、實施、保養和管理服務。.
  3. 在審議土地作房屋或其他發展時,應在相關的諮詢或法定組織或委員會加入園境專家,在發展和環境保育之間取得平衡。
  4. 在政府部門如房屋署、地政署、項目成本管理辦事處、規劃署、可持續大嶼辦事處和步行城市策劃組等,設立首長級及高級園境師的職位,以便在早期可行性及計劃階段作決策時,加入園境專家的意見。
  5. 在《建築物條例》下,整合註冊園境師和適任技術人員(園境)之工作,規定園境師要參與各階段的發展,以維護公共利益和安全,並在工地提供足夠質量的園境技術支援,以確保施工質素。
  6. 庫房水浸,促請政府提供子女課外活動津貼,以助兒童愉快成長。
  7. 父母、夫妻、及21歲以下子女醫療保險可獲免稅,但設定上限金額。


香港過去一年,大部份的工程和發展項目都停滯不前。香港要Move On!而且,




謝偉銓謹啟 ( 候選人編號G-1 )

 [:en]Dear Dear Landscape Architect colleagues,


Hong Kong is often described by some critics as a concrete jungle. This city of 7 million population is indeed very densely developed. Nevertheless, we should be able to do a lot better if Government would give more recognition to the relevant professions in the development industry. Landscape Architects have a significant role in the making of quality environment, and recreational, environmental, ecological  and cultural contributions. Yet, it has by far the least number of practitioners among the four professions of our functional constituency. I also gathered that many people have misunderstood the roles of Landscape Architects as only something related to tree matters.

I have worked closely with Landscape Architects and other professionals in different posts in my career for the past decades. I have also strived to fight for the welfare of Landscape Architects when I was Legislative Councilor.  Besides having succeeded in elevating the status of the profession by creating a directorate post in Government, I also succeeded in urging Government to add back the missing name of the Landscape profession into the name of the Functional Constituency.

In standing for this By-election, I have consulted colleagues in the profession. I am determined to continue my support to the development of the Landcape profession, including the following matters :

  1. Urge Government to legislate a holistic Landscape Ordinance, which includes landscape requirements in developments, regulations of landscape protection and preservation, procedures and standards of landscape maintenance and management, including the requirement for employment of qualified landscape personnel.
  2. Pursue my suggestion put forward a few years ago to establish a Landscape Department and provide one-stop services for feasibility, planning, design, implementation, maintenance and management of landscape projects.
  3. Strike a balance for developments and landscape preservation/protection in land supply for housing/ developments related issues, by involving landscape experts in relevant advisory/ statutory bodies/committees.
  4. Establish directorate and senior Landscape Architect posts in Government departments/offices (e.g. HD, LandsD, PCMO, PlanD, Sustainable Lantau Office, Task Force on Walkability, etc.) to involve landscape experts upfront in decision making in feasibility and planning study stages.
  5. Integrate Registered Landsape Architects (e.g. RLAs to certify LMPs and TPRPs) and establish Landscape Technical Competent Personsunder the Buildings Ordinance for mandatory engagement of Landscape Architects in developments to safeguard the public interest and safety, and ensuring sufficient qualified landscape technical supports at site level for quality implementation works.
  6. Urge Government to provide, out of its overflowing coffers, subsidies for students’  extra-curricular activities for their wholesome upbringing.
  7. Provide tax exemption for personal medical insurance expenditures. The scope should include the parents, spouses and children under the age of 21, subject to prescribed ceilings of eligibility.

Professional competence and integrity are our common strengths, yet our professions need due recognition by Government and more opportunities, especially for the SMEs and young professionals.

Most projects stalled and the development of Hong Kong has ground to a halt in the past year. Hong Kong needs to Move On !  Please make every effort to come out to vote on 3.11. Vote for me – Tony Tse (G-1) the real professional candidate!

Yours sincerely

Tony Tse Wai-chuen[:]