





  1. 政府增撥18億元經常性開支,增加業界部門職位及資源,減輕沉重工作量、改善設施和工作環境。
  2. 每年工務工程和專業顧問服務開支30%,讓中小企顧問及承辦商參與,並為專業人員爭取合理薪金及工時。
  3. 統一不同部門審批準則,完善及縮短審批程序。
  4. 成立工程超支審查委員會,善用註冊工料測量師,監察工程,防止延誤,嚴控超支。
  5. 政府工務基建工程的合約及條款,常設註冊工料測量師及註冊土地測量師職位。
  6. 促請政府檢討及修定《土地測量條例》,令註冊土地測量師有法定權力釐定土地界線。
  7. 重推夾屋,給予中產及年青專業人士上樓機會。
  8. 資助中小企業應用創新科技,推動節能減排。
  9. 因應庫房水浸,促請政府提供子女課外活動津貼,以助兒童愉快成長。
  10. 父母、夫妻、及21歲以下子女醫療保險可獲免稅,但設定上限金額。




謝偉銓謹啟 ( 候選人編號G-1 )[:en]Dear Surveyor colleagues,

Hello !

We are all Surveyors. The past development of Hong Kong, the accomplishments of today and the future development all depend on us Surveyors working diligently in the background and serving various public facilities, residential and commercial projects. Our work ranges from planning, land management, to design approval and supervision, property management and maintenance, etc. We helped to make Hong Kong a comfortable and safe place for living and work.

Despite our roles may differ, we all share the same dream of making Hong Kong a harmonious society and sustainable in economic growth, with a stable setting where the younger generation can grow up and flourish cheerily.

In order to continue to promote the development of the industry and continue to oversee the Government’s work in administration and improvement to our living environment, I wish to offer myself, as a professional Surveyor, to do my utmost to speak up for the industry, make contributions on ways to promote Hong Kong’s development and monitor Government’s performance in the LegCo. I hope that my following election platform will have your full support:

  1. Urge Government to allocate an additional $1.8 billion recurrent expenditure to address the manpower shortage and improvement to the work environment in departments concerning the Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape professions.
  2. Set aside 30% of all public works projects and consultancies annually to facilitate SMEs to participate. Reasonable pay and working hours are justified for the professionals.
  3. Urge Government to align the assessment criteria among different departments to streamline the vetting process..
  4. Set up an Audit Committee which must include due participation of Registered Quantity Surveyors to strictly prevent delays and cost overruns to public works projects.
  5. Ensure as a mandatory condition that posts of Registered Quantity Surveyors and Registered Land Surveyors are included in Government public works contracts.
  6. Urge Government to review and amend the Land Survey Ordinance to provide Registered Land Surveyors with the statutory power for defining land boundaries
  7. Re-initiate Sandwich Class Housing schemes to help the middle-class and young professionals’ home purchases.
  8. Subsidise SMEs to apply innovative technologies, promote energy conservation and emission reduction
  9.  Urge Government to provide, out of its overflowing coffers, subsidies for students’ extra-curricular activities for their wholesome upbringing.
  10. Provide tax exemption for personal medical insurance expenditures. The scope should include the parents, spouses and children under the age of 21, subject to prescribed ceilings of eligibility.

If you have any other views, please do let me know. I am more than willing to run that extra mile for the benefit of the industry and for building a better Hong Kong. It is of utmost importance that professional matters must be championed by genuine professionals. We must not let fakes, politicians and opportunists hijack us and debase our hard earned and valuable professional qualification and experiences!

Say NO to Fakes ! I earnestly appeal to you to come out and cast your vote on 3.11. Please vote for me, Tony Tse, the truly qualified Professional Surveyor!

Yours sincerely,

Tony Tse Wai-chuen (Candidate no. G-1)[:]